Email Deliverability Case Studies


In today's digital landscape, email remains one of the most powerful and effective means of communication for businesses. However, with the ever-evolving algorithms and changing customer behavior, ensuring high email deliverability has become a sought-after skill for businesses of all sizes.

The Importance of Email Deliverability

For businesses, email deliverability refers to the ability to successfully send marketing and transactional emails to a recipient's inbox without being flagged as spam or ending up in the promotions or junk folder. Deliverability is crucial for building and maintaining a positive reputation with email service providers (ESPs) like Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook, which ultimately impacts the success of email marketing campaigns.

Case Studies on Email Deliverability

In this blog post, we'll dive into some real-life examples of how businesses have struggled with email deliverability and the strategies they used to overcome these challenges.

Case Study 1: The Struggle of Abhi's eCommerce Business

Abhi runs an eCommerce business selling handmade jewelry. She regularly sends out email newsletters to her customer base to promote new products and sales. However, she noticed a sudden decline in her open and click-through rates, and she suspected it was due to her emails being marked as spam. She reached out to her email marketing service for assistance, and they informed her that her emails were being flagged as spam due to poor email deliverability.

'Email has an ability many channels don't: creating valuable, personal touches — at scale.' - David Newman

Abhi quickly realized she needed to improve her email deliverability to continue effectively reaching her customers. She started by cleaning her email list, removing inactive or incorrect email addresses. She also implemented double opt-ins to ensure she was only sending emails to those who genuinely wanted to receive them. Additionally, she optimized her subject lines to avoid triggering spam filters and started using segmentation to tailor her emails to specific customer groups.

With these changes, Abhi saw a significant improvement in her email deliverability and ultimately saw an increase in her sales and revenue.

Case Study 2: The Success of a News Publication

A popular news publication reached out to us for help with their declining email deliverability rates. Their daily newsletter was being marked as spam by several recipients, leading to a loss of readers and potential revenue.

'Focus on building the best possible business. If you are great, people will notice and opportunities will appear.' - Mark Cuban

After conducting a thorough review, we discovered that the publication was sending out their emails from a generic email address that didn't match their publication's domain name. This inconsistency was a red flag for ESPs, and they were flagging the emails accordingly. We recommended that they make the necessary changes to ensure their emails were consistently sent from an email address with their correct domain name.

Furthermore, we suggested they optimize their email content by implementing a strong call-to-action and personalizing their subject lines and content. These changes resulted in a significant improvement in email deliverability, and the publication saw an increase in their readership and engagement.

Key Takeaways

The success of these case studies highlights the importance of email deliverability in achieving email marketing success. Here are some key takeaways to remember:

  • Clean your email list regularly to avoid sending emails to inactive or incorrect email addresses.
  • Implement double opt-ins to ensure you're only sending emails to those interested in receiving them.
  • Optimize your subject lines and content to avoid triggering spam filters.
  • Use segmentation to tailor your emails to specific customer groups.
  • Ensure your emails are consistently sent from an email address with your correct domain name.
  • Personalize your emails for better engagement.


Q: Why is email deliverability important?
A: High email deliverability ensures that your emails reach your desired audience and are not marked as spam, ultimately leading to better open and click-through rates and a positive impact on your business.

Q: How can I improve my email deliverability?
A: Some key strategies to improve email deliverability include regularly cleaning your email list, implementing double opt-ins, optimizing your subject lines and content, using segmentation, and ensuring consistency in your email domain name.

Q: Can personalization improve email deliverability?
A: Yes, personalization can significantly improve email deliverability by creating a more engaging and relevant experience for your subscribers.


Email deliverability remains a critical aspect of email marketing success, and businesses of all sizes must prioritize it to build a positive reputation with ESPs and reach their target audience effectively. By implementing the strategies discussed in this article, businesses can improve their email deliverability and ultimately see a positive impact on their marketing efforts.