Bounce Handling and Email Deliverability

Bounce Handling and Email Deliverability

As a freelance writer, one of your main concerns is ensuring your email deliverability rate stays high. A high email deliverability rate is essential because it means your emails are successfully reaching your intended audience, allowing you to build strong relationships and close deals.

However, one common issue that freelance writers often face is bounced emails. This can significantly impact your email deliverability rate and hinder your business's growth. In this article, we will discuss what bounce handling is, why it's essential, and how you can improve your email deliverability rate by properly handling bounced emails.

Understanding Bounce Handling

Bounce handling is the process of managing emails that are returned to the sender due to various reasons. These reasons can include invalid email addresses, full mailboxes, or other technical issues. Bounced emails are classified into two types: soft bounces and hard bounces.

Soft Bounces

Soft bounces refer to temporarily failed delivery attempts. These can occur due to reasons like a full mailbox, a server timeout, or an email exceeding the recipient's size limit. Soft bounces are usually resolved when the recipient clears their mailbox or the issue causing the bounce is resolved.

Hard Bounces

Hard bounces, on the other hand, refer to permanent delivery failures. This can happen if an email address is invalid, no longer in use, or has been blocked by the recipient's email server. Hard bounces are not resolved and can significantly impact your email deliverability rate if not handled properly.

The Importance of Bounce Handling for Email Deliverability

Proper bounce handling is crucial for maintaining a high email deliverability rate. Bounced emails can damage your sender reputation, resulting in your emails being marked as spam or blocked by email servers. This can negatively impact your business and hinder your ability to reach potential clients.

Improving Bounce Handling and Email Deliverability

Now that we understand the importance of bounce handling let's discuss how you can improve your email deliverability rate by effectively managing bounced emails.

Regular Email List Maintenance

One of the best ways to reduce bounced emails is to regularly maintain your email list. This involves removing invalid email addresses, keeping track of bounced emails, and updating your list with new subscribers.

Use a Bounce Handling System

To effectively manage and handle bounced emails, you can use a bounce handling system. This will automatically detect and remove bounced emails from your mailing list and provide detailed reports to help you improve your email deliverability rate.

Check for Spam Traps

Spam traps are email addresses set up to catch spammers. If you have any spam traps in your email list, your emails will likely be marked as spam and can negatively impact your email deliverability rate. Regularly checking and removing any potential spam traps from your list can improve your email deliverability.


In summary, bounce handling is a crucial aspect of maintaining a high email deliverability rate. By understanding what bounce handling is, the importance of proper bounce handling, and implementing effective strategies to manage bounced emails, you can improve your overall email deliverability and grow your freelance writing business.


Q: Can bounced emails affect my sender reputation?

A: Yes, bounced emails can negatively impact your sender reputation and hinder your email deliverability.

Q: What is the best way to handle hard bounces?

A: The best way to handle hard bounces is to remove those email addresses from your mailing list.

Q: Is it important to regularly maintain my email list?

A: Yes, regular email list maintenance can significantly improve your email deliverability rate.

'The act of writing is the act of discovering what you believe.' – David Hare

Remember, as a freelance writer, your ability to communicate effectively and efficiently via email is crucial to your success. By properly handling bounced emails, you can improve your email deliverability rate and strengthen your relationships with clients.

'The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.' – Thomas Jefferson

So, remember to always keep your emails concise and to the point, as this will not only improve your email deliverability but also impress clients with your professionalism.