Automated Email Sequences

As a freelance writer, it's crucial to have a solid email marketing strategy in place. After all, email marketing is an effective way to promote your services, connect with potential clients, and keep in touch with existing ones. However, manually sending emails to everyone on your list can be time-consuming and tedious.

This is where automated email sequences come in. An automated email sequence is a series of pre-written, time-triggered emails that are sent out automatically to your subscribers. With this feature, you can focus on other aspects of your business while still nurturing your email list and keeping your audience engaged.

Now, let's see how Abhi, our fictional freelance writer, can use automated email sequences to his advantage.

Abhi's Journey with Automated Email Sequences

Abhi is a novice freelance writer looking to grow his business. He recently created a website to showcase his writing portfolio and added an opt-in form for visitors to subscribe to his newsletter.

To get started, Abhi signed up for an email marketing platform that offers automated email sequences. He then created a sequence of three emails that he wants to send out to his subscribers. These emails contain a brief introduction of himself, a sample of his writing, and a call-to-action to hire him for their writing needs.

Abhi then set a time trigger of one week for each email in the sequence. This means that once a subscriber signs up for Abhi's newsletter, they will receive the first email immediately, the second email after a week, and the third email after two weeks. This allows Abhi to nurture his audience with relevant content and stay top-of-mind with his potential clients.

Benefits of Automated Email Sequences

With automated email sequences, Abhi can:

  • Save time and effort by not having to manually send emails to each subscriber.
  • Nurture his audience with valuable content and build a relationship with them.
  • Showcase his writing skills and promote his services without being too salesy.
  • Automatically keep in touch with his audience and stay top-of-mind.
  • Measure the success of his email sequence by tracking open and click-through rates.

Essential Skills and Tools for Creating Successful Email Sequences

To create effective automated email sequences, freelance writers need to have a good grasp of copywriting and email marketing techniques. They should also be familiar with the features and tools available on their chosen email marketing platform.

Some essential skills and tools for creating successful email sequences include:

  • Writing compelling subject lines and email copy that grabs the reader's attention and encourages them to take action.
  • Utilizing personalization and segmentation to create targeted and relevant emails for different subscriber groups.
  • Optimizing emails for mobile devices to ensure they are easily readable for all subscribers.
  • Utilizing email automation features, such as time triggers and tags, to personalize and automate the email sequence.
  • Using A/B testing to determine the most effective subject lines, email copy, and calls-to-action.
  • Analyzing email metrics to continuously improve the email sequence and drive better results.


Automated email sequences are a powerful tool for freelance writers looking to grow their business and stay connected with their audience. With proper skills and tools in place, this feature can help you nurture and engage your subscribers while saving time and effort. So, follow Abhi's lead and incorporate automated email sequences into your email marketing strategy today!

'Email marketing is the only channel that can be automated, personalized, and measured to deliver massive, self-targeted, and cost-effective results.' - Sian Simpson


Q: Can I personalize my automated email sequence?
A: Yes, you can use tags and custom fields to personalize your emails for different subscriber groups.

Q: Can I change the time triggers for my email sequence?
A: Yes, you can edit the time triggers for each email in the sequence to align with your business goals and subscriber needs.